The Maureen Dunne Natural World Competition.
This annual competition is held in memory of our former member Sr. Maureen Dunne, who was a keen nature and landscape photographer, and who passed away suddenly in July 1998. Her family kindly donated a cup to be presented to the winner of this annual competition. The theme, 'Natural World', can include animals, flora and fauna. It may also include man-made elements in a minor way, but the image should be in essence depicting the world of nature. More details about the Competition can be found below.
The Maureen Dunne Natural World Competition 2023.
There was a total of 72 images from 18 authors in this Annual Competition,a mixture of prints and Projected (Digital) images which is held in the memory of our former Member, Sr Maureen Dunne, who passed away suddenly on 25 July 1998. Her family donated the perpetual trophy in her memory. Maureen was a keen photographer and was very interested in the botany of the Burren, where 10 of our Members visited last week.
Section winners are as follows:-
Novice – there were 16 images from 4 authors in this section.
1st Pine Martin by Ann Kavanagh - Print
2nd Bug's Life by Noleen Dowdall Print
3rd Lunch by Noleen Dowdall Projected
Intermediate – there were 25 images from 6 authors in this section.
1st Poppies by Barbara Fitzgerald Print
2nd Orange Tip Butterfly by Mick Clemenger Print
3rd Summer Rain by Andrea Acosta Projected
Advanced – there were 31 images from 8 authors in this section.
1st Evening Torches by Liz O'Neill Print
2nd Rock on Seashore by Joe Joyce Print
3rd 2 images shared 3rd place -
Frosty Morning by Dominic Gaffney Projected
We've a lifetime here by Brian McKeown. Printed
The Overall winner was chosen from the 3 section winners and it was Evening Torches Liz O'Neill.
The Judge was Paul Stanley FIFP, EFIAP/g from Dublin Camera Club, who critiqued each image and was very encouraging to all the entrants, especially the Novices.
Thanks to Paul for sharing his experiences and knowledge with us.
Judging: Entries are judged by an external judge in the three sections, Novice, Intermediate and Advanced.
There will be a winner in each section and the trophy will be awarded to the best overall image submitted.
Former winners are asked to send us copies of their winning entries for the Club’s archives and website.
This year (2023) all our entries were a mixture of prints and projected images, and the competition was judged by Paul Stanley from Dublin Camera Club.
There were a total of 60 images from 16 photographers this year, broken down as follows:-
Novice Section - 16 images from 4 photographers.
1st place – ''Ballinastow Mushroom' by Andrea Acosta,
2nd place – 2 images shared 2nd place - 'Glendalough Spring' by Andrea Acosta, and 'Lady I'm Red” by Darren Hanlon,
3rd place – 'All God's Creatures' by Gabrielle McGrath.
Intermediate Section – 16 images from 4 photographers.
1st place – 'Snow Owl' by Dominic Gaffney,
2nd place – 'New Arrival on the Lake' by Mick Clemenger,
3rd place – 'Red Kite' by Dominic Gaffney,
Advanced Section – 28 images from 8 photographers.
1st place – ''Robin in Ivy' by Liz O'Neill,
2nd place – 4 images shared 2nd place – 'Spiral Flower' by Brendan Kneafsey, 'One Leg Stand' by Tommy Keogh, 'Chaffinch, and 'On The Rocks' both by John Turner.
3rd place – 2 images shared 3rd place – ''Dipper” and 'Over the Edge' both by Brendan Kneafsey.
The overall winner was chosen from the First Place winners of each of the categories and it was 'Snow Owl' by Dominic Gaffney, a lovely image of a Snowy Owl.
Congratulations to Dominic and to all who entered this annual competition.
These Images to follow shortly on the website.
The Competition was judged by Ita Martin, LIPF LRPS FIAP/b, from Malahide Camera Club. Ita is a wildlife photographer who won the IPF Nature Photographer of the Year in 2017 and also won a gold medal for best print in the National finals in 2017.
You can see some of Ita's work at