Projected Images Competition December 2023 results.

Projected Images Competition December 2023 results.

There were 66 Images from 17 authors in this Mono Prints Competition, which was held on Tuesday 12 December 2023.

There were 16 images in the Novice section, from 4 authors.

1st place – 'Et Tu, Brute?’ by Mick White,

2nd place – 2 images shared 2nd place – ‘I need to lose that spare tyre’ by Mick White and ‘Owl in Flight’ by Aoife Finnegan,

3rd place – 2 images shared 3rd place – 'Howth Harbour Heron’ and ‘ No Smoking in this Joint” both by Mick White.

There were 20 images in the Intermediate section, from 5 authors.

1st place – 'Last Summer’ by Noleen Dowdall,

2nd place – 3 images shared 2nd place – ‘Can they see me?’ and ‘In Flight’ both by Darren Hanlon, and ‘Delicate Tulip’ by Andrea Acosta,,

3rd place – 3 images shared 3rd place – ‘Blinked’ by Darren Hanlon and ‘Carson’ and ‘Ready to Bumble’ both by Andrea Acosta.

There were 30 images in the Advanced section, from 8 authors.

1st place – 2 images shared 1st place – ‘My Little Pony’ by Joe Joyce and ‘At Full Gallop’ by Mick Clemenger,

2nd place – 3 images shared 2nd place – ‘A Coastal setting’ by Pat Kehoe, ’Bird of Prey’ by Mick Clemenger, and ‘Glendalough Creek’ by Louise Skelly.

3rd place – 3 images shared 3rd place - ‘Hideaway Bay’ by Pat Kehoe, ‘Are You Looking at Me?’ and ‘Follow Me’ both by Suzana Radic.

The judge was Anthony Murray LIPF EFIAP / Silver, from Malahide Camera Club.  Tony classifies himself as a "generalist" photographer, but with a heavy emphasis on landscapes / seascapes, Portraiture & Street Photography, and his work can be seen on his website – here’s the link - 

Thanks to Anthony for his helpful and constructive comments on the entries, especially useful for the Novices, and no harm for the other grades either. It is always a good thing to have someone constructively comment on your images.

The next Projected Images Competition will be held on 20 February 2024, with hand in on previous Tuesday 13thFebruary 2024, - watch the website and Facebook page for updates.

Mono Print Competition 

Mono Prints Competition December 2023 results.

There were 44 Images from 13 authors in this Mono Prints Competition, which was held on Tuesday 12 December 2023.

There were 8 images in the Novice section, from 2 authors.

1st place – 'Busker’ by Ann Kavanagh

2nd place – 'Entertainer’ by Mick White,

3rd place – 4 images shared 3rd place – 'Best Friends’ and ‘Where’s My Bubble” both by Ann Kavanagh, ‘Hurricane Sculpture’ and ‘End of a NY Day’ both by Mick White.

There were 3 images in the Intermediate section, from 2 authors.

1st place – 'Winter Walk’ by Noleen Dowdall,

2nd place – 'Black and White’ by Noleen Dowdall,

3rd place – ‘Artist at Work’ by by Gabrielle McGrath.

There were 33 images in the Advanced section, from 9 authors.

1st place – 'Over the Liffey’ by Pat Kehoe,

2nd place – 3 images shared 2nd place – ‘A Lone Tree’ by Pat Kehoe, ‘Meeting on the Edge” by Brian McKeown, and ‘Lady with Candle’ by Dominic Gaffney,

3rd place – 3 images shared 3rd place - ‘The Eyes say it All’ by Mick Clemenger, ‘Scream” by Louise Skelly, and ‘Fanad Lighthouse’ by Joe Joyce.

The judge was Anthony Murray LIPF EFIAP / Silver, from Malahide Camera Club.  Tony classifies himself as a "generalist" photographer, but with a heavy emphasis on landscapes / seascapes, Portraiture & Street Photography, and his work can be seen on his website – here’s the link - 

Thanks to Anthony for his helpful and constructive comments on the entries, especially useful for the Novices, and no harm for the other grades either. It is always a good thing to have someone constructively comment on your images.

The next Mono Prints Competition will be held on 20 February 2024, with hand in on previous Tuesday 13th February 2024, - watch the website and Facebook page for updates

Internal Club Competitions

Going forward, each year we will run a league where Members are asked to submit up to 4 entries in each of three categories, Colour Images one month and Monochrome Images and Projected Images on the alternate months.  The Projected Images Competition may have up to 4 images (colour or mono, in any mix, e.g 4 mono, or 3 colour and 1 mono, or 2 colour and 2 mono etc.) 

Additionally only Novice Members may submit a Colour Image that has previously entered into a monthly Competition and has been converted to Monochrome, but must inform the Competition Secretary accordingly.

The Members are divided into 3 levels of expertise and experience, Novice, Intermediate and Advanced.  On the third Tuesday of the month (normally) we invite an experienced judge from another club to discuss the images submitted, and award points out of 20 for each of the images.  

The points scored are added to a league and the winners each section are awarded Shields, medals and certificates at the end of the season.  The judges are carefully selected to ensure that they give constructive criticism, designed to help the Members improve their photographic and post processing skills.

How to submit images to Competitions

Here we will explain how you go about submitting images to the monthly competitions.

First, catch your chicken!!  Decide on what images you want to submit.  Then examine them for anything a judge will find fault with - crooked horizons, dust spots, bright or distracting parts of the image.  Use you post processing software to crop and clean up the image.  If in doubt, ask the Members for advice and help.  We don't bite!

Then when you have prepared the images for submission, make sure to re-size them to less than 2mb - see separate notes on how to do this in our Techniques page.

Upload them to the appropriate folder on the Club's Competition Google Drive - Members should have a link to these folders.  Make sure to name your images as below - Your Grade_Your Membership Number_Image title - for example I_8802_Heron in Flight means Internmediate Grade, my Membership Number, and the title of the image.  Try to use meaningful titles, not Image 1, Image 2, etc.

The Competition night is (normally) the third Tuesday of the month, so submission night is 1 week before that, so the second Tuesday of the month.  Note that because of the short month in December, the submission day is the first Tuesday of the month and the Competitons are on the second Tuesday.

Good Luck with your entries.

Colour Images Competition September 2022 results.

There were 60 Images from 17 authors in this Colour Images Competition.

There were 8 images in the Novice section, from 2 authors.

1st place – 'Laytown Races' by Aoife Finnegan,

2nd place – 'At Ease' by Ann Kavanagh,

3rd place – 'Diesel Locomotive Engine no 87' by Aoife Finnegan.

There were 24 images in the Intermediate section, from 7 authors.

1st place – 'Poppies' by Barbara Fitzgerald,

2nd place – 'What a Mouthful' by Mick Clemenger,

3rd place – 'Kylemore Abbey' by Andrea Acosta.

There were 28 images in the Advanced section, from 8 authors.

1st place – 'Who's First' by Brian McKeown,

2nd place – 'On the Edge' by Dominic Gaffney,

3rd place – 'Sassy Sisters' by Paul Keegan.

The judge was Helen Hanafin, FIPF, EFIAP/s from Dublin Camera Club.

Thanks to Helen for the helpful and constructive comments on the entries, especially useful for the Novices, and no harm for the other grades either. It is always a good thing to have someone constructively comment on your images.


The next Competition will be Mono Images Competition and Projected Images Competition will be held on October 18th with the hand in a week earlier on 11th February.

Watch the website and Facebook page for updates.

Mono Images Competition and Projected Images Competition 04/22 results. 

Mono Images Competition April 2022 results.

There were 44 Images from 13 authors in this Mono Images Competition.

There were 13 images in the Novice section, from 4 authors.

1st place – 'Keith' by Gabrielle McGrath,

2nd place – 'Slane Distillery' by Andrea Acosta,

3rd place – 2 images shared 3rd place – 'Vicki' by Darren Hanlon, and 'Hazy Hill in Slane' by Andrea Acosta.

There were 10 images in the Intermediate section, from 3 authors.

1st place – 'Classiebawn Castle' by Louise Skelly,

2nd place – 'Mr P Mac' by Dominic Gaffney.

3rd place – 2 images shared third place – 'Magnolia' and “Natalie' by Dominic Gaffney.

There were 21 images in the Advanced section, from 6 authors.

1st place – 'On Melted Steps' by Paul Keegan.

2nd place – 'What Came First' by Liz O'Neill,

3rd place – 2 images shared 3rd place - 'Arms Folded' by Paul Keegan, and 'Tymon Park Squirrel' by Brendan Kneafsey.


Projected Images Competition April 2022 results.

There were 51 Images from 13 authors in this Projected Images Competition.

There were 15 images in the Novice section, from 4 authors.

1st place – 'Robin' by Darren Hanlon,

2nd place – 2 images shared second place - 'Grand Marshal' by Darren Hanlon, and 'Pancake with Raspberries' by Andrea Acosta

3rd place – 'Lucan Bridge' by by Andrea Acosta.

There were 12 images in the Intermediate section, from 3 authors.

1st place – 'Snowy Owl' by Dominic Gaffney,

2nd place – 'Vinales Valley' by Ruth McConigly,

3rd place – 'Forever in Blue Jeans' by Dominic Gaffney.

There were 24 images in the Advanced section, from 6 authors.

1st place – 'Watchful Heron' by Liz O'Neill,

2nd place – 'Short Life' by Liz O'Neill,

3rd place – 2 images shared 3rd place - 'Green Eyes' by Paul Keegan, and 'Robin' by Brendan Kneafsey.

The judge was Ger Mulhall, LIPF AFIAP from Boyne Valley Photography Club, whose work can be seen here's the link -

Thanks to Ger for his helpful and constructive comments on the entries, especially useful for the Novices, and no harm for the other grades either. It is always a good thing to have someone constructively comment on your images. The winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed images will follow shortly.

These were the last League Competition of this 2021 / 2022 Season.


The next Competition will be The Maureen Dunne Natural World Competition, to be held on Tuesday 17 May 2022. Details to follow.

Watch the website and Facebook page for updates.